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*It was updated on Feb 10, 2025, and older versions is available here.
Open access to MRI image data

DataSet ID: Spatiotemporal transcriptome data
Data type: mRNA sequencing
Platform: Illumina HiSeq
Total number of samples: Longitudinal samples: 141; Spatial samples: 67
If you use this part of the data (or method included in it), please consider to cite:

1. Zhao, Z., Zhang, KN., Wang, QW., et al. Chinese Glioma Genome Atlas (CGGA): A Comprehensive Resource with Functional Genomic Data from Chinese Glioma Patients (2021). Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics 19(1):1-12.
2. Feng, J., Zhao, Z., Wei, Y., Bao, Z., et al. Temporal and Spatial Stability of the EM/PM Molecular Subtypes in Adult Diffuse Glioma. (To be submitted).
Further information and requests for resources should be directed to the Lead Contact, Tao Jiang or Xiaolong Fan (taojiang1964@163.com or xfan@bnu.edu.cn)

DataSet ID: mRNAseq_325
Data type: mRNA sequencing
Platform: Illumina HiSeq 2000 or 2500
Total number of samples: 325
If you use this part of the data (or method included in it), please consider to cite:

1. Zhao, Z., Zhang, KN., Wang, QW., et al. Chinese Glioma Genome Atlas (CGGA): A Comprehensive Resource with Functional Genomic Data from Chinese Glioma Patients (2021). Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics 19(1):1-12.
2. Zhao, Z., Meng, F., Wang, W., et al. (2017). Comprehensive RNA-seq transcriptomic profiling in the malignant progression of gliomas. Scientific data 4, 170024
3. Bao, Z.S., Chen, H.M., Yang, M.Y., et al. (2014). RNA-seq of 272 gliomas revealed a novel, recurrent PTPRZ1-MET fusion transcript in secondary glioblastomas. Genome research 24, 1765-1773
4. Zhang, K., Liu, X., Li, G,. Clinical management and survival outcomes of patients with different molecular subtypes of diffuse gliomas in China (2011–2017): a multicenter retrospective study from CGGA. Cancer Biol Med 19, 1460-1476. 10.20892/j.issn.2095-3941.2022.0469.

DataSet ID: methyl_159
Data type: DNA methylation microarray
Platform: Illumina Infinium HumanMethylation27 Bead-Chips
Total number of samples: 159
If you use this part of the data (or method included in it), please consider to cite:

1. Zhao, Z., Zhang, KN., Wang, QW., et al. Chinese Glioma Genome Atlas (CGGA): A Comprehensive Resource with Functional Genomic Data from Chinese Glioma Patients (2021). Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics 19(1):1-12.

DataSet ID: microRNA_198
Data type: microRNA microarray
Platform: human v2.0 miRNA Expression BeadChip (Illumina)
Total number of samples: 198
If you use this part of the data (or method included in it), please consider to cite:

1. Zhao, Z., Zhang, KN., Wang, QW., et al. Chinese Glioma Genome Atlas (CGGA): A Comprehensive Resource with Functional Genomic Data from Chinese Glioma Patients (2021). Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics 19(1):1-12.

DataSet ID: mRNA sequencing (non-glioma as control)
Data type: mRNA sequencing
Platform: Illumina HiSeq
Total number of samples: 20
If you use this part of the data (or method included in it), please consider to cite:

1. Zhao, Z., Zhang, KN., Wang, QW., et al. Chinese Glioma Genome Atlas (CGGA): A Comprehensive Resource with Functional Genomic Data from Chinese Glioma Patients (2021). Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics 19(1):1-12.

DataSet ID: scRNA-seq data
Data type: scRNA-seq data
Platform: 10X Genomics
Total number of samples: 16 IDH-mutant samples

*Browse the 'About' section for details of data processing

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