circRNA basic information
circBase ID: hsa_circ_0000567
Name: -
Synonym: circ_0000567
Host Gene: hsa-miR-421
Disease basic information
DO name: lung adenocarcinoma
Disease details: lung adenocarcinoma
Species: human
Species details: human
Sample type: tissue, cell line
Sample type details: human LUAD cell lines (A549, PC9, H1299), human normal lung epithelial cells (BEAS-2B)
circRNA-disease information
Detected method:
Detected method confidence High
Expression pattern:
Associated gene: TMEM100
Associated microRNA: hsa-miR-421
Biological function: The miRNA panel associated with OS in patients with LUAD was screened according to the hazard ratio (HR) of miRNAs from high to low. Based on the correlation between these miRNAs and OS, as well as miRNA expression levels, miR-421 was selected for further outcome analysis. High miR-421 expression was an independent risk factor for shorter OS in 73 patients collected from our department.
Molecular mechanism: luciferase reporter assays, and functional assays showed that circ_0000567 could act as a sponge for hsa-miR-421 and prevent it from directly targeting the 3-untranslated region of TMEM100 mRNA and further degrading it in LUAD. hsa-miR-421 expression was significantly upregulated, while circ_0000567 andTMEM100were downregulated in tumor tissues of LUAD, compared to their counterparts in normal tissues. Gain- and loss-of-function assays showed that hsa-miR-421 promoted LUAD cell migration and invasion. Overexpression of circ_0000567 inhibited migration and invasion, whereas co-transfection of circ_0000567 and hsa-miR-421 mimics partly counteracted this effect.TMEM100was upregulated by enhanced circ_0000567 in LUAD cells, and the expression ofTMEM100was inversely proportional to hsa-miR-421, whereas it was directly proportional to circ_0000567 in 73 LUAD specimens, which confirmed the competitive endogenous RNA (ceRNA) network.
Survival: poor
Supported No.:

miR-421 promotes the migration and invasion of lung adenocarcinoma via circ_0000567/miR-421/TMEM100signaling and could be a prognostic biomarker for LUAD.

Other information

circ_0000567/miR-421/TMEM100 Axis Promotes the Migration and Invasion of Lung Adenocarcinoma and Is Associated with Prognosis.

Journal: J Cancer
Published: 2022/4/5
PubMed ID: 35371319