circRNA basic information
circBase ID: -
Name: hsa_circ_MTCL1
Synonym: circMTCL1
Host Gene: -
Disease basic information
DO name: laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma
Disease details: laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma
Species: human
Species details: human
Sample type: tissue, cell line
Sample type details: LSCC cell line (Tu212), normal cell line (HaCaT)
circRNA-disease information
Detected method:
Detected method confidence High
Expression pattern:
Associated gene: -
Associated microRNA: -
Biological function: circMTCL1 was remarkably up-regulated in the paired tissues of patients with LSCC (n = 67), which predicted a worse clinical outcome. Functionally, circMTCL1 exerted oncogenic biological charactersistics by promoting cell proliferative capability and invasive and migrative abilities. Ectopic circMTCL1 augumented cell proliferation, migration, and invasion of LSCC cells, and this effect could be reversed by C1QBP knocking down in vitro and in vivo.
Molecular mechanism: circMTCL1 directly recruited C1QBP protein by harboring the specific recognized sequence (+ 159 - + 210), thereby accelerating the translation of C1QBP expression by inhibiting its ubiquitin-proteasom
Survival: poor
Supported No.:

A novel circMTCL1-C1QBP-beta-catenin signaling axis involving in LSCC tumorigenesis and progression, which shed new light on circRNAs-ubiquitous acidic glycoprotein mediated ubiquitin degradation and provided strategies and targets in the therapeutic intervention of LSCC.

Other information

Circular RNA MTCL1 promotes advanced laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma progression by inhibiting C1QBP ubiquitin degradation and mediating beta-catenin activation.

Journal: Mol Cancer
Published: 2022/4/4
PubMed ID: 35366893