circRNA basic information
circBase ID: hsa_circ_0060531
Name: -
Synonym: Circ_0060531
Host Gene: hsa-miR-330-5p
Disease basic information
DO name: psoriasis
Disease details: psoriasis
Species: human
Species details: human
Sample type: tissue, cell line
Sample type details: HaCaT cells
circRNA-disease information
Detected method:
Detected method confidence High
Expression pattern:
Associated gene: -
Associated microRNA: hsa-miR-330-5p
Biological function: Circ_0060531 and GAB1 expression were significantly increased, while miR-330-5p was decreased in psoriatic skin biopsies and IL-22-stimulated HaCaT cells in comparison with controls.
Molecular mechanism: circ_0060531 knockdown assuaged IL-22-induced cell proliferation, cell migration and inflammation. Besides, circ_0060531 acted as a hsa-miR-330-5p sponge, and regulated the processes of IL-22-treated HaCaT cells by binding to the miRNA. Under the treatment of IL-22, hsa-miR-330-5p mediated HaCaT cell damage by targeting GAB1. Importantly, circ_0060531 modulated GAB1 production by interacting with hsa-miR-330-5p.
Survival: -
Supported No.:

Circ_0060531 knockdown assuaged IL-22-induced keratinocyte dysfunction through miR-330-5p/GAB1 pathway, proving a novel target for the therapy of psoriasis.

Other information

Circ_0060531 knockdown ameliorates IL-22-induced keratinocyte damage by binding to miR-330-5p to decrease GAB1 expression.

Journal: Autoimmunity
Published: 2022/3/17
PubMed ID: 35293807