circRNA basic information
circBase ID: hsa_circ_0032821
Name: hsa_circ_CEP128
Synonym: -
Host Gene: -
Disease basic information
DO name: stomach cancer
Disease details: gastric cancer
Species: human
Species details: human
Sample type: tissue, cell line
Sample type details: normal human gastric epithelial mucosa cell line (GES-1), GC cell lines (AGS, SNU-1, HGC-27, MKN74, MKN1)
circRNA-disease information
Detected method:
Detected method confidence High
Expression pattern:
Associated gene: MEK1/ERK1/2 signaling pathway
Associated microRNA: -
Biological function: induced cell proliferation, EMT, migration, invasion, and autophagy inhibition
Molecular mechanism: activating MEK1/ERK1/2 signaling pathway
Survival: poor
Supported No.:

Circ_0032821 expression induced cell proliferation, EMT, migration, invasion, and autophagy inhibition in human GC cells in vitro and in vivo through activating MEK1/ERK1/2 signaling pathway, suggesting circ_0032821 as an oncogenic role in GC.

Other information

Circ_0032821 acts as an oncogene in cell proliferation, metastasis and autophagy in human gastric cancer cells in vitro and in vivo through activating MEK1/ERK1/2 signaling pathway.

Journal: Cancer Cell Int
Published: 2020/3/14
PubMed ID: 32165864