circRNA basic information
circBase ID: hsa_circ_0124644
Name: -
Synonym: Circ_0124644
Host Gene: hsa-miR-370-3p
Disease basic information
DO name: atherosclerosis
Disease details: atherosclerosis
Species: human
Species details: human
Sample type: cell line
Sample type details: human umbilical vein endothelial cells (
circRNA-disease information
Detected method:
Detected method confidence High
Expression pattern:
Associated gene: FOXO4
Associated microRNA: hsa-miR-370-3p
Biological function: Treatment of ox-LDL resulted in the inhibition of cell viability, proliferation and angiogenesis but the promotion of apoptosis and inflammation in HUVECs. These ox-LDL-induced cell damages were alleviated after the downregulation of circ_0124644.
Molecular mechanism: hsa-miR-370-3p targeted FOXO4 and circ_0124644 increased the expression of FOXO4 through acting as a sponge of hsa-miR-370-3p.
Survival: -
Supported No.:

All results revealed that circ_0124644 accelerated endothelial injury in ox-LDL-treated HUVECs by mediating miR-370-3p-related FOXO4 expression.

Other information

Circ_0124644 enhances ox-LDL-induced cell damages in human umbilical vein endothelial cells through upregulating FOXO4 by sponging miR-370-3p.

Journal: Clin Hemorheol Microcirc
Published: 2022/5/17
PubMed ID: 35570481