circRNA basic information
circBase ID: hsa_circ_0000848
Name: hsa_circ_SMAD7
Synonym: -
Host Gene: -
Disease basic information
DO name: myocardial infarction
Disease details: myocardial Infarction
Species: human
Species details: human
Sample type: cell line
Sample type details: H9c2 cardiomyocyte
circRNA-disease information
Detected method:
Detected method confidence High
Expression pattern:
Associated gene: -
Associated microRNA: -
Biological function: Hsa_circ_0000848 was notably downregulated in hypoxia-induced cardiomyocytes. The silencing of hsa_circ_0000848 hindered the proliferation while accelerating the apoptosis of hypoxia-induced cardiomyocytes cells.
Molecular mechanism: hsa_circ_0000848 interacted with ELAV-like RNA-binding protein 1 protein to stabilize SMAD family member 7 mRNA. Moreover, SMAD family member 7 overexpression could reverse the suppressive effect of hsa_circ_0000848 knockdown on myocardial infarction progression.
Survival: -
Supported No.:

Our research was the first in the field to confirm that the hsa_circ_0000848/ ELAV-like RNA-binding protein 1/SMAD family member 7 axis could affect the development of cardiomyocyte cells cultured under hypoxia, indicating that hsa_circ_0000848 might function as a novel biomarker in cells under hypoxia thus laying the groundwork for future study on myocardial infarction.

Other information

Circular RNA hsa_circ_0000848 Regulates Cardiomyocyte Proliferation and Apoptosis Under Hypoxia via Recruiting ELAVL1 and Stabilizing SMAD7 mRNA.

Journal: Anatol J Cardiol
Published: 2022/3/30
PubMed ID: 35346905