circRNA basic information
circBase ID: hsa_circ_0000732
Name: hsa_circ_SCARF1
Synonym: circ_0000732
Host Gene: hsa-miR-1184
Disease basic information
DO name: breast cancer
Disease details: breast cancer
Species: human
Species details: human
Sample type: tissue, cell line
Sample type details: TNBC cells (BT-549, SUM-159, MDA-MB-231, MDA-MB-453, MDA-MB-468), normal breast cells (MCF-10A)
circRNA-disease information
Detected method:
Detected method confidence High
Expression pattern:
Associated gene: -
Associated microRNA: hsa-miR-1184
Biological function: promoted the growth, migration, and invasion of TNBC cells.
Molecular mechanism: ERbeta2 regulated hsa_circ_0000732 expression by binding to SCARF1 promoter. Knockdown of hsa_circ_0000732 inhibited TNBC cell proliferation, migration, and invasion by upregulating hsa-miR-1184.
Survival: -
Supported No.:

Our present study found that ERbeta2 is upregulated in some TNBC cells and promotes TNBC cell growth, migration and invasion by regulating hsa_circ_0000732 targeting miR-1184. The special role of ERbeta2 in TNBC may be the breakthrough of a targeted treatment strategy for TNBC.

Other information

Estrogen receptor beta2 (ERbeta2)-mediated upregulation of hsa_circ_0000732 promotes tumor progression via sponging microRNA-1184 in triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC).

Journal: Inflamm Res
Published: 2022/1/23
PubMed ID: 35064304