circRNA basic information
circBase ID: hsa_circ_0003645
Name: -
Synonym: Circ_0003645
Host Gene: hsa-miR-335-5p
Disease basic information
DO name: diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
Disease details: large B-cell lymphoma
Species: human
Species details: human
Sample type: tissue, cell line
Sample type details: human DLBCL cell lines (SU-DHL-4, OCI-LY-10, OCI-LY7, U2932), B lymphocytes (GM12878)
circRNA-disease information
Detected method:
Detected method confidence High
Expression pattern:
Associated gene: -
Associated microRNA: hsa-miR-335-5p
Biological function: After circ_0003645 knockdown, the viability, cell cycle and glycolysis of DLBCL cells were inhibited, while cell apoptosis was promoted.
Molecular mechanism: miR-335-5p could be sponged by circ_0003645, and NFIB was confirmed to be a downstream target of hsa-miR-335-5p.
Survival: -
Supported No.:

The present study revealed that circ_0003645 promoted the proliferation and glycolysis of DLBCL cells by the miR-335-5p/NFIB axis, which might provide a novel insight for DLBCL treatment.

Other information

Circ_0003645 serves as miR-335-5p sponge to promote the biological process of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma by upregulating NFIB.

Journal: Autoimmunity
Published: 2022/1/11
PubMed ID: 35001739